Scar Treatment in Marysville, WA

Discover How We Treat Scar Tissue & Fascia

Let's Talk About Scars And Fascia:

A Better Understanding Of Scar Tissue & Fascia

True Fact: The Fascial system transmits messages acting as our “second nervous system”; fascia is a liquid crystal communication system; when fascia becomes compressed, twisted or interrupted (as with scar tissue) the tension is transmitted along the fascial planes, the medical world acknowledges this as fascial drag.
human diagram of scar tissue and fascia

An important function of fasciae is to reduce friction. It provides a supportive and movable wrapping for nerves and blood vessels as they pass through and between muscles. Fascial tissues are frequently innervated by sensory nerve endings.

Fascia holds our skin to our body, it is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. Fascia is very dense, wrapping and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain, and spinal cord.

When our fascia becomes damaged by trauma, surgery or injuries, be they intentionally or unplanned, scar tissue and adhesions develop. This scar tissue can spread in any direction and reach deep into our bodies and restrict how our joints move and our organs function.  These restrictions can cause so much abnormal strain (or fascial drag mentioned above) on the body that bones are stressed or pulled out of their natural alignment. This can trigger joint compression, pain, and dysfunction. Nerves, veins, and arteries can become trapped, which prompts neurological issues and restricted blood flow. Scar tissue that crosses the meridians or ​blocking the flow of the body’s natural energy system.

The body forms scar tissue as a natural response to trauma. When the skin is punctured or lacerated, collagen is laid down in a random, haphazard way which results in a thickened, fibrous mass which impedes the proper circulation of blood and congests lymph flow. As a result of the rapid repair process, the scar tissue is not as flexible as healthy tissue, not structured in the same way and does not have a normal blood supply, sweat glands, or hair.  Scar tissue is extremely effective at helping protect and repair, but the functionality and elasticity of it are different from the surrounding tissue.

The damage to delicate nerve tissue often results in areas that are numb or lack feeling, while other areas are hypersensitive. While scar tissue contains the same materials as normal tissue, the quality of the scar tissue is inferior to that of the tissue it replaces. It is very important to understand that the scar you can see is only the tip of the iceberg. All surgeries involve multiple layers of sutures and go much deeper than what we see on the surface.

The Relationship Between Scars & Emotions

Many Scars May Have An Emotional Aspect

Scars and Emotions

Emotional issues can arise as a direct result of a scar.

All scars are a result of trauma and therefore will often pack emotional stressors connected to the trauma or scar.

Working the scar may illicit an emotional release.


Common Scar Emotions

  • Self–consciousness about the appearance of the scar.
  • Unwillingness to look at or touch the scar
  • Minor or sudden Major PTSD reaction
  • Lack of sleep and mental stress from chronic pain that doctors do not acknowledge and family members do not understand.
  • Crying or Laughing

Possible Emotional Release Scars:

  • Hysterectomy scars
  • C-section Scars (especially emergency C-Section)
  • Mastectomy Scars
  • Open Heart Surgery
  • Amputation Scars
  • Violent Crime Scars

McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR®) Instructor

Experience Scar Tissue Treatment From An MSTR® Instructor

The effects of post-surgical scars on the human body (animals too for that matter) have long been underestimated, until now! More and more the understanding of how scar tissue affects the WHOLE BODY and how treating scar tissue is having life-changing results that are happening every day all over the world with this simple, gentle, profound and highly effective technique called McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release or MSTR®.

Fascia has both widespread and dedicated functions in the body — and it’s become an essential part of treatment for clinicians practicing in conventional, complementary, and alternative therapies. Leaving a scar untreated is sure to impede the progress of any type of bodywork and fail in the therapeutic process.

The results obtained with MSTR are reliable and long-lasting. Whenever you normalize scar tissue it does NOT revert back to its former state!!!

If you would like to have a session of McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release, contact Tina today!

If you are a therapist or other medical professional and would like to learn MSTR® to add to your practice,  check out our upcoming classes or live video class.

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